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ಈ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್‌ಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅನಿಸಿಕೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಭೇಟಿ ಕೊಡಿ. ತಮ್ಮೆಲ್ಲರಲ್ಲಿ ಮನವಿ:ಕೋವಿಡ್-19 ರ ಸುರಕ್ಷತಾ ಕ್ರಮಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸಿ. 1) ಕಡ್ಡಾಯವಾಗಿ ಮಾಸ್ಕ್ ಧರಿಸಿ. 2) ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗತ ಅಂತರ ಕಾಪಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. 3) ಲಸಿಕೆ (ವ್ಯಾಕ್ಸಿನೇಷನ್) ಹಾಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. 4) ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾದಷ್ಟು ಮನೆಯಿಂದಲೇ ಕೆಲಸ ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಿ. 5) ಆಗಾಗ್ಗೆ ಕೈಗಳನ್ನು ಸೋಪಿನಿಂದ ತೊಳೆಯಿರಿ. 6) ರೋಗ ಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು ಕಂಡುಬಂದ ಕೂಡಲೇ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆ ಮಾಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. 7) ಪ್ರತಿದಿನ ಮಾಸ್ಕ್ ಬಳಸಿದ ನಂತರ ಬಿಸಿನೀರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ತೊಳೆದು, ಬಿಸಿಲಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಒಣಗಿಸಿ.PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE . Attention : Get resources from menu-> Science > Pariksha kirana-22-23> .

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024

use this wonderful source 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Ch 3 metals and non metals 

group 1 elements 

Here is a 40-mark question paper for Chapter 3 - "Metals and Non-Metals" for Class X Science, featuring a variety of question types including MCQs, 1-mark, 2-mark, 3-mark, 4-mark, and 5-mark questions. The questions are based on previous CBSE exams and focus on some of the more challenging aspects of the chapter.

Metals and Non-Metals - Class X Science

**Time Allowed: 2 Hours**  

**Maximum Marks: 40**

#### Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) (1 × 5 = 5 Marks)

1. Which of the following metals does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas?

   a. Zinc

   b. Iron

   c. Copper

   d. Aluminium

2. The property of metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets is called:

   a. Ductility

   b. Malleability

   c. Conductivity

   d. Sonority

3. Which of the following pairs will give displacement reactions?

   a. NaCl solution and copper metal

   b. MgCl₂ solution and aluminium metal

   c. FeSO₄ solution and silver metal

   d. AgNO₃ solution and copper metal

4. Which of the following is not an alloy?

   a. Steel

   b. Brass

   c. Bronze

   d. Graphite

5. Which metal is commonly used for galvanizing iron?

   a. Zinc

   b. Aluminium

   c. Copper

   d. Nickel

Section B: Very Short Answer Questions (1 × 3 = 3 Marks)

6. What is the chemical formula for rust?

7. Name the most reactive metal in the reactivity series.

8. Define an alloy.

 Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 × 3 = 6 Marks)

9. Explain why ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.

10. Write the chemical equation for the reaction of iron with steam. Also, write the physical states of all the reactants and products.

11. What happens when a piece of sodium metal is dropped into water? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

 Section D: Short Answer Questions (3 × 3 = 9 Marks)

12. Differentiate between metals and non-metals on the basis of their physical properties. Give any three points.

13. Explain why sodium and potassium are stored in kerosene oil.

14. Describe the steps involved in the extraction of a metal from its ore. Provide a specific example in your explanation.

 Section E: Long Answer Questions (4 × 2 = 8 Marks)

15. (a) What are amphoteric oxides? Give two examples of amphoteric oxides.  

    (b) Explain with the help of a balanced chemical equation how aluminium reacts with both acids and bases.

16. (a) Describe the process of electrolytic refining of copper with a neat labeled diagram.  

    (b) Why is electrolytic refining used? 

 Section F: Long Answer Question (5 × 1 = 5 Marks)

17. (a) Discuss the reactivity series of metals.  

    (b) Explain how the position of a metal in the reactivity series helps in predicting the outcome of its reactions with water, acids, and solutions of other metal salts.  

    (c) With the help of suitable examples, describe how the reactivity series is useful in predicting the method of extraction of a metal from its ore.

 Answer Key:

**Section A:**

1. c. Copper

2. b. Malleability

3. d. AgNO₃ solution and copper metal

4. d. Graphite

5. a. Zinc

**Section B:**

6. Fe₂O₃·nH₂O (Hydrated iron(III) oxide)

7. Potassium

8. An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals, or a metal and a non-metal, which retains the properties of a metal.

**Section C:**

9. Ionic compounds have strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions, which require a large amount of energy to break, leading to high melting and boiling points.

10. \(\text{3Fe (s) + 4H}_2\text{O (g) → Fe}_3\text{O}_4\text{ (s) + 4H}_2\text{ (g)}\)

11. Sodium reacts vigorously with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas:

    \(\text{2Na (s) + 2H}_2\text{O (l) → 2NaOH (aq) + H}_2\text{ (g)}\)

**Section D:**

12. Metals are usually hard and have high melting points; non-metals are usually soft and have low melting points. Metals are good conductors of electricity; non-metals are poor conductors. Metals are malleable and ductile; non-metals are brittle and non-ductile.

13. Sodium and potassium are highly reactive and can react vigorously with moisture or oxygen in the air, potentially causing a fire or explosion. They are stored in kerosene oil to prevent such reactions.

14. The extraction of a metal from its ore typically involves the steps of concentration of the ore, reduction of the metal compound to metal, and refining of the metal. For example, in the extraction of iron from its ore (hematite), the ore is first concentrated, then reduced in a blast furnace, and finally refined.

**Section E:**

15. (a) Amphoteric oxides are oxides that can react with both acids and bases to form salt and water. Examples: Aluminium oxide (Al₂O₃) and Zinc oxide (ZnO). 

    (b) Aluminium reacts with hydrochloric acid to form aluminium chloride and hydrogen gas:

        \(\text{2Al (s) + 6HCl (aq) → 2AlCl}_3\text{ (aq) + 3H}_2\text{ (g)}\)

        Aluminium reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium aluminate and hydrogen gas:

        \(\text{2Al (s) + 2NaOH (aq) + 6H}_2\text{O (l) → 2NaAlO}_2\text{ (aq) + 3H}_2\text{ (g)}\)

16. (a) Electrolytic refining of copper involves using an impure copper anode and a pure copper cathode. Copper sulfate solution is used as the electrolyte. When electricity is passed through the solution, pure copper from the anode dissolves into the solution and deposits on the cathode, while impurities settle at the bottom.

    (b) Electrolytic refining is used to obtain high-purity metals. It helps in removing impurities from the crude metal.

**Section F:**

17. (a) The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in order of their decreasing reactivity. It helps in predicting how metals will react with acids, water, and other substances.

    (b) Metals higher in the reactivity series react more vigorously with water and acids and can displace metals lower in the series from their salts.

    (c) For example, sodium and potassium, being high in the series, react violently with water, whereas iron reacts slowly. In terms of extraction, metals high in the series are extracted by electrolysis (e.g., aluminium), while metals lower in the series can be extracted by reduction with carbon (e.g., iron).

This question paper should help challenge the students and test their understanding of the chapter "Metals and Non-Metals".

Friday, December 15, 2023

Science quiz 2023-23


  1. What does DNA stand for?
  2. How many bones are in the human body?
  3. The concept of gravity was discovered by which famous physicist?
  4. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
  5. Which is the main gas that makes up the Earth's atmosphere?
  6. Humans and chimpanzees share roughly how much DNA?
  7. What is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere?
  8. Roughly how long does it take for the sun's light to reach Earth - 8 minutes, 8 hours or 8 days?
  9. Which famous British physicist wrote A Brief History of Time?
  10. At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
  11. What modern-day country was Marie Curie born in?
  12. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
  13. What name is given for the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom?
  14. How many vertebrae does the average human possess?
  15. What was the name of the first man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957?
  16. Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician?
  17. What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?
  18. Which Apollo moon mission was the first to carry a lunar rover?
  19. How many teeth does an adult human have?
  20. What is the study of mushrooms called?
  21. How many brains and how many hearts does an octopus have?
  22. What is the only letter not to appear on the periodic table?
  23. What is the fastest land animal in the world?
  24. What is the only even prime number?
  25. What do the letters in the word laser stand for?
  26. What is the perimeter of a circle called?
  27. Sound travels faster in air than in water: true or false?
  28. Which of the world's oceans in the deepest?
  29. What was the name of the first artificial satellite to enter space?
  30. Who is credited with the creation of the World Wide Web?
  31. Lightning hotter than the surface of the sun: true or false?
  32. Where in the human body can the smallest bone be found?
  33. How many bones do sharks have?
  34. What is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia the scientific term for?
  35. What does USB stand for?
  36. What is the largest desert on Earth?
  37. In which year were the first collisions achieved in the Large Hadron Collider?
  38. What is the heaviest organ in the human body?
  39. What is the rarest blood type in humans?
  40. In which year was Pluto reclassified as a Dwarf Planet?
  41. What is the biggest animal in the world?
  42. What is the only active volcano on mainland Europe called?
  43. What is desquamation the scientific term for?
  44. How many days on Earth does it take for Venus to rotate once on its axis?
  45. How many states of matter are there?
  46. What does a Geiger Counter measure?
  47. What are natural satellites colloquially known as?
  48. In which year did the Apollo 13 space mission take place?
  49. What metal is the best conductor of electricity?
  50. What was the first vaccine to be developed against a contagious disease?

Science Quiz Answers

  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  2. 206
  3. Sir Isaac Newton
  4. Diamond
  5. Nitrogen
  6. 98 per cent
  7. Nitrogen
  8. 8 minutes
  9. Stephen Hawking
  10. -40
  11. Poland
  12. Jupiter
  13. Atomic number
  14. 33
  15. Sputnik 1
  16. Hippocratic Oath
  17. Insulator
  18. Apollo 15
  19. 32
  20. Mycology
  21. 9 brains, 3 hearts
  22. J
  23. Cheetah
  24. 2
  25. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
  26. The circumference
  27. False
  28. The Pacific
  29. Sputnik 1
  30. Tim Berners-Lee
  31. True
  32. The ear
  33. Zero
  34. Brain freeze
  35. Universal Serial Bus
  36. Antartica
  37. 2010
  38. The liver
  39. AB Negative
  40. 2006
  41. The Antarctic blue whale
  42. Mount Vesuvius
  43. Peeling skin
  44. 243
  45. 4 - solid, liquid, gas and plasma
  46. Radiation
  47. Moons
  48. 1970
  49. Silver
  50. The smallpox vaccine


  1. The current richest man in the world Jeff Bezos is CEO and President of which online retailer?
  2. Which social media app only lets you view pictures and messages for a limited time?
  3. What does a Geiger Counter measure?
  4. Which prestigious university did Microsoft founder Bill Gates drop out of?
  5. What year did the first Apple iPhone launch?
  6. What unit of length is equal to around 5.8 trillion miles?
  7. What does CPU stand for?
  8. Created in 1990, what was the name of the first internet search engine?
  9. In which decade was the Sony Walkman launched?
  10. Was electronics company Nintendo founded in 1889, 1946 or 1975?
  11. From 2017 onwards, how many characters long can tweets be?
  12. What is the name of Elon Musk's aerospace company?
  13. Which duo invented the aeroplane?
  14. What is the name of the classic 1972 arcade game based on table tennis?
  15. What does the term LASER stand for?
  16. What does LG stand for in LG Electronics?
  17. Solar power generates electricity from what source?
  18. What is the name of the British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web in 1989?
  19. Originally Amazon only sold which product?
  20. In what year was the first transatlantic radio broadcast?


  1. Amazon
  2. Snapchat
  3. Radiation
  4. Harvard
  5. 2007
  6. Light Year
  7. Central Processing Unit
  8. Archie
  9. 1970s
  10. 1889 (Yes, really)
  11. 280 characters
  12. SpaceX
  13. The Wright Brothers - Orville and Wilbur Wright
  14. Pong
  15. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
  16. Lucky-Goldstar
  17. The Sun
  18. Tim Berners-Lee
  19. Books
  20. 1901

  1. What is the collective name for a group of crows?
  2. What type of creature is a barracuda?
  3. Delphinus delphis is the Latin name for which creature?
  4. What breed of dog used to be sacred in China, and could only be owned by members of the Chinese Imperial Palace?
  5. How many wings does a bee have?
  6. In 1971, what happened in the Atacama Desert for the first time in 400 years?
  7. What is the scientific name for a turkey's wishbone?
  8. In which continent would you find Ayer's Rock?
  9. Lemurs are only native to which country?
  10. True or false: a donkey can see all four of its feet
  11. Which gender of mosquitoes bite people?
  12. How tall is a baby giraffe at birth?
  13. What is the heaviest insect?
  14. What does an anemometer measure?
  15. Which layer protects the Earth from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation?
  16. What does a nidologist study?
  17. A cloche can help protect plants from what?
  18. Which reddish-brown colour gets its name from a pigment extracted from cuttlefish?
  19. What type of creature is a Pacific Sea Wasp?
  20. The kakapo is the only flightless species of which type of bird?


  1. A murder
  2. Fish
  3. Dolphin
  4. Pekingese
  5. Four
  6. Rain
  7. Furcula
  8. Australia
  9. Madagascar
  10. True
  11. Female
  12. 6 feet
  13. Beetle
  14. Wind Speed
  15. Ozone Layer
  16. Birds' nests
  17. Frost
  18. Sepia
  19. Jellyfish
  20. Parrot

Take the quiz below to test your knowledge about the discoveries and inventions from Edison to Einstein

1. Who is credited with inventing the telephone? 

a) Thomas Edison 

b) Alexander Graham Bell 

c) Nikola Tesla 

d) James Watt

Ans. b

Explanation: Wilbur and Orville Wright spent four years of research and development to create the first successful powered aeroplane, the 1903 Wright Flyer.

2. In which year was the first successful aeroplane flight by the Wright brothers? 

a) 1903 

b) 1910 

c) 1899 

d) 1920

Ans. a


3. What did Marie Curie discover? 

a) Penicillin 

b) X-rays 

c) Radioactivity 

d) Electricity

Ans. c

Explanation: She discovered polonium and radium, championed the use of radiation in medicine and fundamentally changed our understanding of radioactivity. 

4. Who is known for inventing the light bulb?

a) Isaac Newton 

b) Benjamin Franklin 

c) Albert Einstein 

d) Thomas Edison

Ans. d

Explanation: In 1878, Thomas Edison began serious research into developing a practical incandescent lamp and on October 14, 1878, Edison filed his first patent application for "Improvement In Electric Lights".

5. The theory of relativity is associated with 

a) Galileo Galilei 

b) Johannes Kepler 

c) Albert Einstein 

d) Isaac Newton

Ans. c

Explanation: The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated physics theories by Albert Einstein.

6. What did Johannes Gutenberg invent? 

a) The steam engine 

b) The printing press 

c) The telephone 

d) The radio

Ans. b

Explanation: Gutenberg was a German inventor and craftsman who introduced letterpress printing to Europe with his movable-type printing press.

Science Quiz On Megalodon: Pre-historic Predator Who Eats Its Siblings In The Womb

7. Who discovered penicillin? 

a) Louis Pasteur 

b) Alexander Fleming 

c) Robert Koch 

d) Edward Jenner

Ans. b

Explanation: Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician-scientist who was recognised for discovering penicillin.

8. The discovery of America is credited to 

a) Christopher Columbus 

b) Vasco da Gama 

c) Ferdinand Magellan 

d) Marco Polo

Ans. a

Explanation:  Christopher Columbus set about on a journey to discover the famed land of India but his ship docked in North America instead. He discovered America instead of India. 

9. Who is responsible for developing the World Wide Web (WWW)? 

a) Tim Berners-Lee 

b) Steve Jobs 

c) Bill Gates 

d) Mark Zuckerberg

Ans. a

Explanation: Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 while working at CERN. 

10. What did Galileo Galilei invent? 

a) Telescope 

b) Microscope

c) Telephone 

d) Clock

Ans. a

Explanation: Galileo made his first telescope in 1609, modelled after telescopes produced in other parts of Europe that could magnify objects three times.

Hard science trivia

11. Trivia question: What is the largest desert in the world?

Answer: It’s not the Sahara, but actually Antarctica!

12. Trivia question: True or False? Lasers work by focusing on sound waves.

Answer: False. “Laser” is actually an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers concentrate light waves, not sound waves.

13. Trivia question: What does DNA stand for?

Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid.

14. Trivia question: Do diamonds last forever?

Answer: No. Diamonds do not last forever. They’ll eventually degrade to graphite, though the process takes over a billion years.

15. Trivia question: What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?

Answer: An insulator.

16. Trivia question: Will there be an impact on your height if you go to space?

Answer: Yes. You will be taller because you’ll no longer be subjected to gravity. And did you know that outer space actually has a smell?

17. Trivia question: At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?

Answer: -40.

18. Trivia question: Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth: 8 minutes, 8 hours or 8 days?

Answer: 8 minutes.

19. Trivia question: How do airplanes stay in the air?

Answer: Planes stay in the air because of the shape of their wings. Air moving over the wing gets forced downwards, which pushes the wing up. This push is stronger than gravity, and so makes the plane fly. There’s also a reason why airplane windows are round.

20. Trivia question: What is chalk made of?

Answer: It comes from limestone, which formed from the shells of tiny marine animals.  

Science trivia about nature

21. Trivia question: Which freezes faster, hot water or cold water?

Answer: Hot water freezes faster than cold, known as the Mpemba effect.

22. Trivia question: On what continent will you not find bees?

Answer: Antarctica.

23. Trivia question: What is the only rock that floats?

Answer: Pumice. It forms from the froth at the top of lava flow, which cools very rapidly.

24. Trivia question: True or False? Chameleons change colors only to blend into their environment.

Answer: False. Chameleons also change colors for other reasons, like to regulate body temperature, when feeling aggression, and when feeling excited.

25. Trivia question: Can lightning strike the same place twice?

Answer: If you answered no to this science trivia question, you’re wrong. It is actually more likely that lightning will strike the same place twice.

26. Trivia question: True or false? Shark cartilage can cure cancer.

Answer: Unfortunately, many still believe that shark cartilage can cure cancer, leading to the killing of sharks. That’s false, and scientists now have proof that there are sharks with cancerous tumors themselves.

27. Trivia question: How long is the memory of a goldfish?

Answer: Most people would say that goldfish only have a three-second memory. However, their memories actually last for several days.

28. Trivia question: What mountain peak is farthest from the center of the Earth?

Answer: Many may think the answer to this science trivia question is Mount Everest. However, the peak of Chimborazo in Ecuador is the farthest from the center of the earth.

29. Trivia question: How many bones do sharks have in their bodies?

Answer: Zero! Instead, they have powerful, flexible cartilage. Sharks are fascinating, if a bit misunderstood.

30. Trivia question: Can gold be created from other elements?

Answer: Yes. It is possible to create gold from other elements, but it’s so complicated and expensive that it would cost you more to make it than to buy it.

Science trivia about the body

31. Trivia question: What is the heaviest organ in the human body?

Answer: The liver.

32. Trivia question:How does fat leave your body when you lose weight?

Answer: Through your sweat, urine, and breath.

33. Trivia question: From which body part does the majority of your body heat escape?

Answer: This is a trick science trivia question. Most people think the answer is your head, but you lose heat evenly throughout your body.

34. Trivia question: How many senses do humans have?

Answer: Thought the answer was five? You actually have more—many neurologists identify nine or more senses. Fun fact: There are also things dogs can smell that humans can’t.

35. Trivia question: Which blood type is the rarest in humans?

Answer: AB negative.

36. Trivia question: How many teeth does an adult human have?

Answer: 32.

37. Trivia question: How many bones are in the human body?

Answer: 206.

38. Trivia question: What part of the human body serves the purpose of maintaining balance?

Answer: The ears.

39. Trivia question: Who has more hair follicles, blondes or brunettes?

Answer: Blondes.

40. Trivia question: What color is the blood inside your body?

Answer: Dark red. Although your veins appear blue, human blood contains hemoglobin and hemoglobin is a red protein, so the blood in your body is dark red.

Science GK Questions and Answers  

 Q :  

‘PCB’ stands for– 

(A) Programme Control Block

(B) Process Control Block

(C) Process Communication Block

(D) None of the above

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

Process Control Block (PCB, also called Task Controlling Block, Task Structure or Switchframe) is a data structure in the Operating System kernel containing the information needed to manage a particular process.The PCB is the manifestation of a process in an Operating System.

Q :  

ISRO launched the world’s first satellite dedicated to education, the EDUSAT in the month of– 

(A) June, 2004

(B) July, 2004

(C) August, 2004

(D) September, 2004

Q :  

A geostationary satellite revolves round the Earth from– 

(A) East to West

(B) West to East

(C) North to South

(D) South to North

Q :  

In 1928, who discovered that when a ray of coloured light enters a liquid, a fraction of the light scattered by that liquid is of a different colour?

(A) SN Bose

(B) Lord Rayleigh

(C) CV Raman

(D) John Tyndall

Q :  

By what metabolic process in the kitchen can you make food like curd, paneer and sauerkraut?

(A) Pasteurisation

(B) Fermentation

(C) Condensation

(D) Steaming

Q :  

In the format of the IUPAC name of the organic compound, the term ‘Root’ is used to represent:

(A) the number of carbon atoms in the parent chain

(B) the presence of side chains or substituent groups

(C) functional groups that may be present in the compound

(D) the cyclic or acyclic nature of the given compound

Q :  

In which year did Rudolf Virchow published an essay titled ‘Cellular Pathology’ in which he famously declared that "every cell arises from another cell”?

(A) 1865

(B) 1835

(C) 1845

(D) 1855

Q :  

What is the correct statement related to Avogadro?

(A) Avogadro made a distinction between electrons and neutrons.

(B) Avogadro discovered a difference between animal and plant cell.

(C) Avogadro discovered electrons.

(D) Avogadro made a distinction between atoms and molecules

Q :  

Which is a major essential lipophilic (fat-soluble) vitamin required for the protection of cell membranes and the formation of red blood cells (RBCs)?

(A) Vitamin A

(B) Vitamin C

(C) Vitamin D

(D) Vitamin E

Q :  

Which of the following glands/organs in human body secretes bile juice?

(A) Pancreas

(B) Liver

(C) Pituitary

(D) Pineal

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